It´s Voting Day in Panama!
Voting day in Panama can seem very different from election day in the United States. Firstly, voting occurs on a Sunday, and preparations are impressive. Due to the remote areas, many citizens live in, the government provides structured transportation, including buses, to polling places, which are typically located at schools. Voting is primarily conducted with paper ballots. Sample Ballot What stands out about voting day in Panama is the joyous atmosphere. Candidates have a limited campaign period of about 30 days, during which they deliver speeches, appear on television, and engage with the public through games and discussions about key issues. There are around 8 presidential candidates and over 800 candidates for other local positions, such as mayors. Typical Voting Table Setup Panamanians take great pride in their country and view voting day as a celebration of their right to vote and express themselves. It’s a vibrant event filled with pride and joy, reflecting their apprecia...