Who Are These People, Where did they come from and what are they doing here?

Expats at the swimming hole! Let's take the easy question first! Where did they come from? The answer is they come from all over the world! Many ex-pats in Boquette are from all parts of The U.S. but a good number are from Canada, South Africa, Germany, France, and The UK. There are also a lot of folks who were born in Panama, moved, lived in the US for years and then returned to Panama to retire. Who are they? There are retired teachers, military, business owners, government workers, musicians, you name it, we have it! I have been told that there are places in the world where the expat community consists of ¨the wanted and the unwanted¨, that is certainly not the case here in Panama. It´s interesting to note, that you must have a clean record to get a permanent visa in Panama. You can hear story after story about people who wanted to move here but because they have a DUI from 20 years ago on their FBI report they can not get a permanent visa. That doesn´...