There are masked men with Machtes in my Yard!

Panama boasts not only breathtaking landscapes and vibrant cultures but also a unique gardening tradition that might surprise you. It's not uncommon in this tropical paradise for yard maintenance to be included in the price of your rent, ensuring your surroundings remain a lush haven. When I moved to Panama, I quickly learned that gardens here aren't just gardens – they're meticulously curated landscapes tended to by skilled individuals in a distinctive way. Picture this: it's 7 AM, and I'm just starting my day with a cup of coffee in hand. As I gaze out of the window, I spot three men donned in authentic Panamanian gear, effortlessly working in my garden. Admittedly, I wasn't caught off guard – I knew these gardeners were scheduled to tend to the landscapes today. However, what did catch my attention was the man who stood out with his mask, machete, boots, and the most captivating hat I've ever seen. These guys take their work seriously, and they are fully ...