About Our Blog

We researched the possibilities and talked to many many people. We came to know that moving out of the United States would be the best retirement plan for us. We are excited and ready for this move, but as you can imagine after living in the same place for over 30 years we have some work to do!

In this blog, we will share our experiences and observations. When it comes to questions like should you sell your home or rent it out? Store your furniture or have an estate sale or... try and take it all with you? What does it cost to ship your household to your new location? What are the pros and cons of Panama? Ecuador? Mexico? Kenya? Belize? Portugal? We are telling everything we know and everything we find out as we go, but please know this experience and its many divergent roads will be different for everyone!

NOTE: We are not selling tours, real estate, transportation... Nothing. This is just about our adventure and nothing more. 

A few of the "immersions" we have experienced:

This endless beach in Progresso Mexico was one of our favorite finds.  There were eight of us and we indulged ourselves with food and drink all day. (Delivered to our little cabana by apron-ed servers.) Total cost? $80!!! (Plus $1 each for bus ride to and from.)



On Top of the world in Quito Ecuador! It's not often that such a big city is so organized and efficient. We were here for 2 wonderful weeks at Easter time.
This daunting climb was in the small town of Cuenca, Ecuador. Five levels of 22 steps each! Needless to say, I took my time, but every morning there were young people dashing up and down for exercise.


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